Friday 21 January 2011

Album 26 Mozart Piano Sonatas - Vol 1 (No 1-5) Klara Wurtz, Piano
Stunnning music. Mozart's music gives me so much pleasure. This is a wonderful album. When I am a bit stressy from work it calms me dowwn.

Album 27 Chris Rea - Auberge
This is so atmospheric. I bought it when it came out about 20 years ago!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Cant believe that. I listened to it driving to work in the autumn. As a  new headteacher in a very challenging school, work was tough, but this album was a great companion and a rest from the 'today programme'. There are great range of tracks and the lyrics are bril.

Album 28 Cat Stephens - Rememeber
24 wonderful Cat Sephens songs including Moonshadow, Lady D'Arbanville, Hard Headed Womam, Rubylove. I don;t know what happened to my Cat Stephens records. They went from 6th form to college and I think through my early 20's and then forgotten and lost. I saw a documentary about Cat Stephens - perhaps the South Bank Show - and deceided to buy a CD. This album does't quite repalce all of those that I have lost but I have enjoed listening to it. Tonight I listened to all 24 tracks whilst at the gym. Helped time to pass, stopped boredom and good to sing along to. Sometimes wonder if I sing out loud!


  1. Anne, only when I randomly hear something by him, then I forget how good Cat Steven's was - I loved his "I'm gonna get me a gun" a bit far removed from where he ended up later in life. I recall this song as it came out one summer when I used to go with my dad when he "sorted" the fruit machines under his control. Lots of pocket money for me ;-) I did mention it...

    Link to the song...

    Hey is it included on your CD ? - perhaps Political Correctness has made it disappear ! ;-)

  2. Chris Dire-Reah. Never got his music :-( Glad you like it though. :-)
