Saturday 26 February 2011

59 and on and on!!!!!

Well - a lot of listening but not much writing. That is what happens at half term and no access to the Internet. Previously too busy to write blog. These albums haven't necessarily been listened to in this order and I have listened to others but haven't counted them as I was chatting or doing other things. I am astonished that I have listened to over 70 albums.

Album 59   Brahms Symphony No3 - Berlin Phil (Herber von Karajan)
I discovered this piece of music when I was about 14 - in my father's collection of classical records. It is powerful and was my introduction to classical music. From here I discovered Beethoven, Mozart, Chopin and then onwards. This is a powerful piece of music that I must have listened to 'hundreds' of times.

Album 60   Revolver - Beatles
Daniel wondered why I didn't have a copy of Revolver and he gave this copy to me. I am grateful as it has some great tracks, particularly Eleanor Rigby - classic Beatles! I have listened to it many times recently and enjoyed it lots.

Album 61   Safari - Air
Dan is also responsible for this album . It must be three years ago he introduced me to this wonderful and haunting music. Now .................. it is bizarre but this is what children at Dormo frequently listen to as they are waiting for assembly. Not my choice - Adam must like it! I find some tracks quite haunting.

Album 62   Arvo Part - Miserere
This was a present from a special chum - my 50th. Thanks Wazzie.

Album 63   Sacred Love - Sting
A favourite album!

Album 64  Eye to Telescope - KT Tunstall
This was a Mercury Prize winner and I was so pleased to find it. Listened to it lots and then it slipped down the pile of CDs. So pleased to have found it again. She is an amazing song writer and what a voice!

Album 65   Moulin Rouge
Heck..................... I loved this film. Went with staff from school, reluctantly, but really enjoyed it. Nicole Kidman and Ewan McGregor. Has tracks such as Like a Virgin, One Day I'll Fly Away. It is nearly 9 years since I listened to this - Easter 2002! Enjoyed listening to it and singing whilst driving to the Lakes!

Album 66   Graceland - Paul Simon
A favourite ................ listened to lots and lots.

Album 67   I Speak Because - Laura Marlin
I had heard of Laura Marlin and was familiar with her album but I have listened to this so many times since Dan gave me a copy. I enjoy running and listening to this. Brilliant album. A real find.

Album 68    Pierre Bensusan - Altipanos
This is another all time favourite ............. I just love Pierre and his music is played so often. Great to relax to and good background music.

Album 69  Talking Book  Stevie Wonder
Where on earth did this come from? Did I buy it???
Ok some tracks are ok but this can go to the bottom of my pile of CDs. I just got fed up of listening to it.

Album 70  Buena Vista Social Club
Good fun. Cheery music.

Album 71   Sigh No More - Mumford and Sons
Like Laura Marling, I had heard of Mumford and Sons and was familiar with their music. Now I have a copy of the album I listen to it lots. I would love to see this and live.

Album 72   Dark Side of Moon -Pink Floyd
6th form music. I bought this copy whilst browsing in a music shop. I vividly remember listening to this with Stewart A, Steve W and Dick D. I had loved PF but thought this was totally wacky. Enjoyed listening to it but it will not be frequently replayed. Great memories of 6th form and my chums. Must ask Stewart if he remembers buying it as it was his copy that I heard.

Album 73   Abbey Road - Beatles
Great favourite.Frequently listen to this album.

Album 74  Band on Run - All the Best - Paul McCartney
I haven't always liked PM's music since the Beatles, but the tracks on this album are ok and I enjoyed listening to it again.

Tuesday 15 February 2011

So much music!!!

Well I am still managing to listen to at least 1 CD each day and sometimes more. Most of the music that I am listening to is very familiar, occasionally stuff that I haven't heard for years, but sometimes new music which has been recommended. I am really enjoying the recommendations. Following Luke's Friday blog and Daniel's fab birthday gift of 47 albums, is certainly introducing new music and broadening my listening. However the point of this was to dust down my CD collection and listen to the huge piles of albums  that seemed forgotten.

Album 49 Best of Crusaders
This album has a really interesting collection of tunes and starts with Street Life. A great compilation and one which improves the mood on EVERY occasion.

Album 50  Tom  Waites - Used Songs
Hmmmm ..............used to love listening to Tom Waites, but think I will pass on this album.

Album 51 Beach Boys - The Very Best Of..
Oh so much fun. Another mood lifting compilation. Starts with Good Vibrations. 30 tracks and most of them are brilliant. Great music for driving and even when it is grey and miserable - the music feels good.

Album 52  Suzanne Vega - 99 F
Old favourite - loved seeing her at SAGE. Wonderful singer and bril album.

Album 53  Joan Baez - Bowery Songs
Also saw Joan Baez recently - an amazing voice. The tracks on this CD are wonderful. Wish I had more Joan Baez albums.

Album 54 Faure - Requiem, Poulenc - Mass in G
King's College Choir sing these pieces so beautifully. Music which is good for the soul, rather than soul music!

Album 55 Norah Jones - Feels Like Home
I loved the first album but am not so keen on this one. Bit depressing.

Album 56  Free - Chronicles (2 CDs)
Ohhhhhhhhhh...... this is such a blast from the past and I still love it. So many memories of being 15/16/17. A couple of years ago I spotted this album whilst browsing in a record shop. Really was not sure what I would think after so many years, but loved it. Paul Roger's voice is great. I love the Blues feel. I had all of their albums and saw them several times. I think I had a bit of a crush on Paul Rogers and David Kossof!

Album 57 Pentangle - Basket of Light
Another blast from the past and band that I saw many times. I wish I had a voice like Jacqui McShee. This band had an amazing line up..... Bert Jansch, John Renbourn, Danny Thompson and Terry Cox. I play this a lot.

Album 58 Bill Withers - Greatest Hits
A wonderful compilation with lots of bril songs including Just the Two of Us, Ain't no Sunshine and Lovely Day.

Apart from Tom Waites and Norah Jones - great albums.

Saturday 5 February 2011

40 Albums and more..........

Having been laid low with  a chest infection  and had two days off work meant snuggled with blanket, wine glass of benilyn and lots of CDs. Interesting mix of things. Some old stuff, two which I ended up buying having looked at Luke's blog -  and one totally new album which arrived as a gift from a very special chum...........thank you Anne.

So what have I listened to this week?

Album 40 Curved Air - Air Conditioning
Oh what a blast from the past. This band had the amazing SoniaKristina (at 16 I so wanted to look like her!!!) The electric violin, the energy and SK's voice were just wonderful. I recall seeing them at Redcar Jazz Club and having to battle with my very strict father to allow me to go to such a 'dreadful' place on Sunday night. The train from Middlesbrough was full of girls in drippy dresses being 'hippy' and 'cool' for the evening. I ended up organising trips from 6th form to see them in Newcastle. Headdy days. Listening to this brought back so many wonderful and happy memories of 6th form and college. Whatever happened to..... moments. Hmmmm!

Album 41 Beatles - Sgt Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band
Old favourite - no more to say, other than is the Billy Shiels the same Billy Shiels who runs the boat trips to the Farne Islands? I have always wondered.
Album 42 Pierre Bensusan - Spices
Pierre is one of my favourite musicians and this is probably my favourite album.
Album 43 Bill Whelan - Connemara Suite (Irish Chamber Orchestra)
Thank you Anne - an album to treasure and such a wonderful suprise to find an Amazon package with this inside. Have listened to it several times. I would love to go back to Connemara - visited it in 1978 and stayed in a tiny isolated cottage with friends. The meadows were full of beautiful flowers and the sweet smell of hay mingled with the seaweed.
Album 44 The Best of M People
I think that Heather Small has an amazing voice. Some of the tracks are wonderful. Testify, Search for The Hero, Moving on Up - classics. Much as I enjoyed listening to the CD it is not one which I listen to often.
Album45 The Bees - Octopus
Now this is a find! I was looking at Radio Luke - decided to check some stuff out on Spotify. Loved this and bought a copy. I will keep this around to listen to regularly and I think that it is going on my ipod for the gym and when I am running.
Album 46 Rumer - Seasons of My Soul
Rumer was also discovered this week through Luke. I cannot believe how similar her voice is to Karen Carpenter.

Album 47 Van Morrison - Brown Eyed Girl
I am suprised that I haven't worn this CD out. Love the music.

Album 48 Robert Plant - Band of Joy
Just bought this today as I was trying to cheer myself up after having spent fortune on new glasses AND still coughing! Listened to it today............... like it!